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Morris Family Walks for Water!

Lonnie Morris

Lonnie Morris

Welcome to our Family page!

Every day, millions of women and children embark on treacherous journeys of more than three miles just to fetch water for their families. Tragically, much of this water is contaminated and unsafe for consumption. But amidst this hardship, there shines a beacon of hope.

This year, the Morris Family is taking action. We're stepping up to walk for a cause that transcends borders – the global water crisis. Join us as we stride forward to raise both funds and awareness. Together, we aim to provide clean, safe water to 15,000 people in need across the globe.

Your support means the world to us. Even the smallest donation can have a ripple effect of change. Click the blue button to contribute and be a part of this vital mission. Together, let's walk so that others don't have to endure this burden. Thank you for your generosity.

2022 Walk for Water!


These girls donated their own money and walked 3 miles last year (2023)!


raised of $200 goal


Recent Donations

Member of

Team GEL
