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2024 Drip Campaign

Robin Daisley

Robin Daisley

Thank you for visiting my Drip Campaign page to learn about the 2024 Charleston Walk for Water. I have been part of my church's team of walkers (Team Grace) each year to help raise funds so that communities around the world without clean, safe water can receive water filtration systems from Water Mission.

Water is a necessity for everyone. Without a clean, safe water source in their communities, millions of women and children walk more than three miles to collect water each day for their families. Often, the water collected is unsafe to drink and can make them very sick. But there is hope. A filtration system from Water Mission can treat water making it clean, safe water for an entire community.

This year, Team Grace is walking again to raise funds and awareness to help fight the global water crisis. The goal is to help bring clean, safe water to 15,000 people in need around the world. Like single drops of water into a bucket, your individual donations can blend together so that clean, safe water can flow for people in need. Thank you for your generosity.

It has been almost a week since the Charlestono Walk for Water. While I still have not met my goal of $1000 in donations, I recognize the importance of "dreaming big" and am thankful to those who have donated and those who prayed for a successful event. Without goals, we would not have a sense or urgency or an achievement to shoot for. or a feeling of satisfaction for what we have accomplished. Prayer allows us to voice our wishes and concerns directly to God who is always listening. According to the main page for the Charleston Walk, Water Mission has received $593,052 of the $750,000 in donations they had set as a goal. Per my email exchange with Mary Howell at Water Mission, they are leaving the team and individual pages live for at least a couple more weeks so that anyone who wanted to donate but diid not donate by the date of the walk can still make their donation. Thank you again for choosing to donate to Water Mission. Let us continue to support them in their work to end the global water crisis by bringing clean, safe water and hygiene solutions to wherever they are needed around the wold.


It's early (6:30) on Saturday. I'm up and getting ready to head over to the Walk for Water. It rained a bit yesterday and today's forecast from The Weather Channel calls for showers from 9-11AM. The Walk starts at 9AM and is a rain or shine event. So I'm prepped with a raincoat and umbrella. All should be fine. I'm so thankful to those who have planned the event, those who have signed up to walk, and all those who have donated through team and individual pages. While I haven't yet met my $!000 goal (I'm at $635 and still accepting donations!), my church'sTeam Grace has raised $2295 of our $2500 goal and I heard Thursday that there were still donations coming in. Even the children who attend the church's Grace Weekday School have collected spare change to contribute! There are 4332 walkers signed up for today's Walk for Water and together we've raised $530,093 of the $750,000 goal. More walkers will sign up at the event and more donations will come in. If you've not yet donated, please consider supporting Water Mission with a donation today. And's time to step into my walking shoes and go meet up with my team!


Some people ask me what the Walk for Water is like. Well, it is a fun and educational event. But what I really want to say is that for me, participating in the Walk for Water is like being one friend in a group of friends who decide to give another friend a gift. No one friend bears the cost of the gift on their own. Instead, each friend contributes to the purchase of the gift. I am simply one friend, asking my friends to contribute so that together, we can give a gift of clean, safe water to a friend we do not know, who lives somewhere else in the world. It sounds cliché to say that every little bit helps, but that really is the truth. Like raindrops in a bucket, the individual donations accumulate and when poured out, help bring a resolution to this water crisis around the globe. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful consideration to donate. Also, your prayers for a successful event (and good weather) are gratefully appreciated.


Wow! There are 11 days left until the Charleston Walk for Water and thanks to some generous people who have already donated $535 through my 2024 Drip Campaign page, I'm more than half way to my fundraising goal of $1000! I really hope to meet my goal this year because I know that Water Mission can do so much to alleviate the need for women and children to walk to collect water for their families each day. Every day that women and children do not have to walk for water is a day they can spend with their families or learning in school. For information about the impact Water Mission can have, I invite you to meet 12-year-old Gladys from Malawi by visiting


Hey! Just a quick shout out to those who have already contributed to my 2024 Drip Campaign. In the first week of my campaign, $410 of the $1000 goal I set has been donated. If you know someone interested in supporting the work of Water Mission, please share the link to my page ( Together, we can help families around the globe have clean, safe water for their daily use.


raised of $1,000 goal


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