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2025 CSRA Walk for Water

November 08, 2025

 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." —Galatians 6:9

Your church can make a global impact right here in your community. Join us for the annual Walk for Water, and create a Walk team for your church family! Invite your kids' ministries, youth groups, Sunday school classes, and small groups to each create a team of their own.
Our goal this year is to change lives with safe water and the Living Water message of Jesus Christ. We hope for you're able to join us to walk so that others don't have to.
You can start making an impact right now by simply praying.

  • Pray for the Walk to positively impact our community.
  • Pray for the communities that will receive safe water because of the Walk.
  • Pray for our teams around the world to reflect the Lord in all that they do.
  • Pray for the weather on the day of the event.
  • Pray for the people who will hear the gospel because of the Walk.

Then, consider building a Walk teamClick the button below to register and create your team. Once you've created your team, individuals can sign up to join your team, or anyone can donate to your team on your team page.

Become a Walk Sponsor
As a sponsor, you'll receive several benefits to help you meet and minister to more people in our community. Learn more by clicking the button below.