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My Walk for Water Page

Terri Herr

Terri Herr

Welcome to my personal page!

My son Kevin has been working for Water Missions now for over 10 years and is as enthusiastic about it today as when he joined the team. Why? Because Kevin has seen and can testify first hand what placing a water system in a community can do to provide safe, clean water and stop water born illness. I have traveled with Kevin to Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and seen how there is no safe drinking water, even after on average having to walk three MILES to collect what water there is.

But there is hope. I am raising funds and awareness to help fight the global water crisis. I have seen Water Missions place strategic water sites around communities and schools to provide safe drinking water and with our help they will continue to do so.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus providing basic human needs and a living hope to all people and nations.

We walk, so others don't have to.


raised of $200 goal


Recent Donations

Emily dos Santos$30
Let’s go, Terri and Ted!

Team Cool Kids
